月別アーカイブ: 2013年7月

(5th-6th Sep.) International Symposium on Algal Biomass

International Symposium on Algal Biomass will be held on 5th-6th Sep 2013. Please follow the outline below, an … 続きを読む

カテゴリー: Algal Biomass, Events, News, Office

Public Sidewalk Trials of Toyota Personal Mobility Robot to Start in Japan

The City of Tsukuba (Tsukuba) in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan and Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) are to begin pub … 続きを読む

カテゴリー: News, Robots, TOPNews

PR movie “Tsukuba International Strategic Zone”

The PR movie of “Tsukuba International Strategic Zone” is broadcast on the website of “Japan … 続きを読む

カテゴリー: News, TOPNews